Trash Meets Nature and Crochet Hooks “Without a doubt, sleep is the biggest issue for homeless people,” writes San Diego-based blogger and self-proclaimed “chronic homeless man” Kevin Barbieux, who writes under the name The Homeless Guy. That statement haunts me on some level - the thought of people sleeping outside. Many of us have difficulty getting good quality sleep and most of us have a bed to sleep in. Imagine rolling up all of your personal belongings, plumping it up into a ball to be used as a pillow on which to to rest your head (and keep your items safe). Imagine it's been raining for a couple of days . . . where do you lay to rest? Now, I understand that making a safe place to sleep outside is probably beyond the scope of what the majority of us are able to provide to others. Yet, there IS something that almost every single one of us can do. It requires a little effort but that effort can make a dif...
Local yarn store located in Greenville, South Carolina - where "y'all" are as important as the "yarn." Our mission is to support our community beginning with local fiber-lovers and reaching as far out into the global community as possible!