In case you've missed it, crocheted garments have hit the runway!
According to Glamour Magazine, New York Fashion Week "spring collections bring with them a resurgence in all-crochet everything—from tops to rompers to frilly dresses. You can go as hard as you want on this trend, whether that's adding a single blouse to your wardrobe or decking yourself out head to toe. (We see you, Michael Kors.)"
The picture above is Dolce and Gabana... yes, you read that right: Dolce and Gabana. If you had asked me if we'd ever see a Dolce and Gabana crocheted outfit, I would have bet money that we would see you-know-where freeze over before we'd EVER see that happen! But here it is . . . crocheted items walking down the runway.
Let's celebrate - let's spread the word - let's wallow in this development! Crocheters stand up proud and hold your heads high! Crochet has been taken from being considered a less-than-worthy craft to FASHION-legitimate (although, we already knew crochet is legitimate).
So, get out your hooks and crochet in public - show the world that crochet is beautiful and fast/fun. (Don't forget to be forgiving of those who think you are knitting with one needle, they know not what they say.)
AND, in case you've missed it - we have a crochet guild in Greenville. It meets here at the store on the first Sunday of each month from 2:00 - 4:00. Dues are $10 for the year. All levels of crocheters are welcome!
So, spread the word - crochet is back and it's beautiful! Let's ride this wave and bring crocheting into the consciousness of the world as an attractive, inspiring hand-work that everyone can do.
If you do not crochet and want to learn - call the store to schedule a private class, watch Marly Bird videos on YouTube, talk with your family and friends who crochet - ask them to teach you. It's SO satisfying (and, once again fashionable)!
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